Выход (или поставляемый результат, deliverable) — артефакт, рабочий продукт, результат выполнения какой-то деятельности (обычно проекта), выдаваемый на выходе продукт или сервис. Понятие «Выход» встречается как «output» в PRINCE2, «deliverable» в ISO:21500 и в обоих вариантах в PMI PMBOK и фреймворке OPM.
PMI Glossary:
Deliverable. Any unique and verifiable product, result, or capability to perform a service that is required to be produced to complete a process, phase, or project.
Output (1) A product, result, or service generated by a process. May be an input to a successor process.
Output (2) Projects are used to generate the outputs or outcomes required by programs, within defined constraints, such as budget, time, specifications, scope, and quality.
Projects deliver outputs in the form of products, the use of which results in changes in the business. These changes are called outcomes. These outcomes allow the business to realize the benefits that are set out in the business justification for the project. Here’s an example of output, outcome and benefit:
Output: New sales system
Outcome: Sales orders are processed more quickly and accurately
Benefit: Costs are reduced by 10%, sales increased by 15% and revenue increased by 10% annually.