Способность (организационная способность, оргспособность) — характеристика предприятия в отношении его способности выполнять какую-то практику (practice) и получать ожидаемый, воспроизводимый результат. Анализ предприятия с точки зрения его возможностей используется, например, в подходе «потока создания пользы» (value stream).
SEBOK Glossary:
(1) The ability to achieve a desired effect under specified (performance) standards and conditions through combinations of ways and means (activities and resources) to perform a set of activities. (DoD 2009)
(2) The ability to execute a specified course of action. It is defined by a user and expressed in non-equipment based operational terms. (MOD 2004)
(3) The ability to execute a specified course of action. A capability may or may not be accompanied by an intention. (DoD 2009)
(4) An outcome or effect which can be achieved through use of features of a system of interest and which contributes to a desired benefit or goal (Created for SEBoK)
A particular ability or capacity that a business may possess or exchange to achieve a specific purpose or outcome.
Cap.Behavior — The way in which a capability acts or conducts itself in certain circumstances or instances.
Cap.Instance — A specific realization of a capability, as it exists or is envisioned to exist, in the context of a given business unit, value stream stage, or other situational context.